
I’m a fluffy puppy living in Singapore with **Our Family Without Borders!**

🎂 05.05.22 | ♂️ Male | ⚖️ 20kg


Haku (ハク)

My name means pure, or white in Japanese! I’m named after a big white dragon from Spirited Away.

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I’m on an mission to train my humans to be better everyday, and have gamified my life to accomplish my goals to become the best pupper in the world.

<aside> 🔻 Scroll down to see see how!


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Hey friend! At Co-x3, we believe in making work as fun as possible, so we can be present and engaged with the exciting adventure that is our growth journeys. We also love to ensure that the tasks that we take on are highly intentional, to achieve our goals and find more meaning in our lives.

So, we’ve adapted our systems for a better life to aid Haku in his adventure to being the best pupper in the world. We hope that you can learn from his growth journey on how to live your best life as well - and be part of our journey in raising our newest member of our family.

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